
Return to Japan

With tons of gear separated into four bags, Dave (who is a nice neighborhood friend of Mario and  me) to the Seattle-Tacoma airport before dawn. Thanks :) The flight to Japan was smooth.


Here I am:


Finished the Washington Illinois Motorcycle Tour

Yesterday night, I returned to Mario's house, Montesano WA. So, the Washington Illinois Motorcycle Tour has finished.

A total driving distance was 5,937 miles (9,555 km). And I run in 12 states (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada).

A motorcycle was a nice method to know the United State.

I could know by direct experience of my skin, that, what the United States is huge, a considerable difference of landscape between Japan and United States, and how to live in this massive land. And these have made me think about a deep and complex relations between the countries.

I have come to more like the North America :)

But I still just have stepped on twelve states among fifty. I still don't know a east coast and southern states. I should know those also.

During this tour, I worn underwears of LDComfort. It was a something like that, I got a new physically strong skin of myself. I think It comes from the special function of those which controls a skin moisture to the best.

Here I am:


Stay in Arlene Burns's House

Tonight I am re-visiting Arlene Burns in Mosier, Oregon. I met her in a coffee shop there at 9th May when I kayaked down the Colombia River. And she gave me a wonderful stay in her house 3 nights and 4 days. Thanks for it, I could re-arrange my gears.

She so loves outdoor sports and Japanese culture :)

Here I am:

Mt. Hood

I am in the Timberline Lodge, a beautiful wooden architecture, altitude 5,900 ft (1,800m), at the base of Mt. Hood. And also Mt. Hood is a beautiful snow caped mountain. We can ski even in summer.

Here I am:

Visiting a Pasco City Council

I had a nice opportunity to visit a Pasco City Council, invited by my friend, Matt Watkins. And then, I stayed his house and really enjoyed a nice night, again :) 

Here I am:



I am in Boise, Idaho. This landscape has made poet Keiziro Suga.



Here I am:


Dry Land

This morning, small rain hit my tent. But, at high noon, any evidence of rain was disappeared. A land here is so dry. I have been amazed that such tiny rains gather and then make the Colorado River. Come to think of it, I heard that the water of the Colorado River disappears in Mexico.

Here I am:


Bonneville Speecway

I was in the Bonneville Speedway in Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Human, temperature, everything were hot hot hot.

I started from Utah, run through Nevada, and then now am camping in Idaho.

Here I am:

Here I am

I am in Bonneville Speedway. The rase is in session.

Here I am



In Utah.

Salt Lake City

I am staying in my new friend Dayne's house, we have met at SUBWAY near Salt Lake City today :)

Here I am:


Arches National Park & Canyonlands National Park 

Here I am:


In Utah

I am in Utah.

Here I am:


Wonderful Colorado

I passed through a boundless expanse of dry region in Colorado, on the route I76.

And then, I pass through the summit of the elevation of 11,158 ft in Colorado, on the route I70. The canyon was magnificence...

This is the beer, Colorado's first microbrewery, I like.

Today's running distance was 313 miles.

Here I am:


Camping in Colorado

Today, I have pass through Iowa and Nebraska, and then now I am camping in Colorado. Today's running distance is 452 miles.



Here I am:


The route from WA to IL

This was my outward route from WA to IL.

Stay in Iowa Tonight

I am going to stay at Mark's house, Council Bluffs, Iowa, tonight.

Today's travel distance is 378 miles.



Here I am:

Here I am

I am on return trip to Washington.

Here I am:


Nuke along River

By the way... I want to mention what I realize in this trip.

U.S.A. has a lot of nuclear power plants along rivers.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan ejected an estimated 3,000,000,000,000,000 - 5,000,000,000,000,000 Bq of radioactive cesium into the ocean. And then it has spread in three-dimensional.

If some nuclear power plant along a river in U.S.A. is damaged in the same way as the Fukushima, around 5,000,000,000,000,000 Bq of radioactive cesium will be ejected into the river, which has a big cities, and then it will be spread in almost one-dimensional. We can easily imagine what will happen.