Did a taste trial of two coffees, UMIACK "A wilderness of Alaska with only a horizon and the sun never set. Time and space spread out infinitely.", and ADVENTURE "A wilderness of Alaska. A morning covered by a river mist. A cop of coffee dripped with bonfire-boiled hot water." Images become realities with a professional work, and I very amazed.
Did a taste trial of two coffees, UMIACK "A wilderness of Alaska with only a horizon and the sun never set. Time and space spread out infinitely.", and ADVENTURE "A wilderness of Alaska. A morning covered by a river mist. A cop of coffee dripped with bonfire-boiled hot water." Images become realities with a professional work, and I very amazed.
Did a taste trial of two coffees, UMIACK "A wilderness of Alaska with only a horizon and the sun never set. Time and space spread out infinitely.", and ADVENTURE "A wilderness of Alaska. A morning covered by a river mist. A cop of coffee dripped with bonfire-boiled hot water." Images become realities with a professional work, and I very amazed.
もう一種類のオリジナルブランドUMIACK coffeeの珈琲豆
もう一種類のオリジナルブランドUMIACK coffeeの珈琲豆も、焙煎人吉岡さんと打ち合わせ中です。その味と香りは、この写真と、この言葉「アラスカの原野。川霧に包まれた朝。焚き火で沸かした湯で淹れた、一杯のコーヒー。」から生まれます。計2種類です。
Another my own branded (UMIACK coffee) coffee bean will be made with an image of these pictures and this word "A wilderness of Alaska. A morning covered by a river mist. A cop of coffee dripped with bonfire boiled hot water."
Another my own branded (UMIACK coffee) coffee bean will be made with an image of these pictures and this word "A wilderness of Alaska. A morning covered by a river mist. A cop of coffee dripped with bonfire boiled hot water."
UMIACK coffee(オリジナルブランド)の焙煎コーヒー
UMIACK coffee(オリジナルブランド)の焙煎コーヒー豆を企画しています。
I am planing to produce an own brand of coffee been, UMIACK coffee. This picture is an image which I used to tell a taste of one of that coffees to blender. It might be coming in next January.
I am planing to produce an own brand of coffee been, UMIACK coffee. This picture is an image which I used to tell a taste of one of that coffees to blender. It might be coming in next January.