明日、スポンサーの所沢ビールが、埼玉スーパーアリーナ・けやきひろばで開かれる「肉パ2016さいたま ハロウィンSpecial!」 https://29ers.jp/ に出店するとのことで、販売応援に行ってきます。お時間あったら一杯飲みにどうぞ!
Tomorrow, I will support my sponsor, TOKOROZAWA BEER, in their event in Japan.
明日、スポンサーの所沢ビールが、埼玉スーパーアリーナ・けやきひろばで開かれる「肉パ2016さいたま ハロウィンSpecial!」 https://29ers.jp/ に出店するとのことで、販売応援に行ってきます。お時間あったら一杯飲みにどうぞ!
Tomorrow, I will support my sponsor, TOKOROZAWA BEER, in their event in Japan.
Many people are asking me that "so, what did you learn from paddling in the wilderness by yourself?". I tried writing it in here few times, but I didn't, because it did not become simple and clear to read easily in SMS.
Writing only the conclusion, I learned that humankind needs wisdom. It is wisdom beyond courage and positiveness.
Now I am staying with Mario Winkelman at Montesano, Washington.
I went to the property of his son, Brandon and stepped in the forest with him where some 15 - 20 black bears one of which was taken in a picture by a game camera just yesterday, bobcats, cougars, coyotes and deers were also taken by the game cameras. It is animal rich forest.
彼の息子ブライスは森をもっているが、実に沢山の動物が生息している。15〜20 匹の黒クマがいると思われ、そのうちの1匹は昨日監視カメラに撮られたばかりだ。クマのほかに、ポブキャット、クーガー、コヨーテ、鹿などが写真に写っている。ブライスと二人でその森に入った。
I walked around Bonneville Dam for 7 miles in rain and rich green , and finished all walking missions around McNary, Jon Day, Dalles and Bonneville Dam along the Columbia River with a support from Matt Watkins.
雨と豊かな緑の中、7 キロ歩いてボネビルダムを越えた。これでコロンビアに沿ったすべてのダム越えルート、マクナリー、ジョンデイ、ダラス、そしてボネビルダムを、マットのサポートを得ながら終了した。
I introduced Matt Watkins, Mayor of Pasco and Arlene Burns, Mayor of Mosier to each other. I believe the relationship between Mayors makes a good society.
All of Mayors in the world, please keep your opinions, please accept other's opinions to cultivate wisdom,, please establish United Nation of Planet with wisdom.
I was with Phil Cathey in his yacht, who is sailer, knowing the Colombia River very well, and taught me about it, before when I started down the river.
I stayed and have good days with Arlene Burns for two nights. I so love to talk about the nature with her. She is also Mayor of Mosier.
I finished 16 hours walking around Dalles Dam from 6am to 10pm. The 30 miles is my best record of walking distance a day. It was almost rain, not good condition, but I could enjoy the old town of The Dallas and HISTORIC ROUTE US30.
I am walking along the Columbia River on the path which detours around the Dalles Dam for 30 miles. It will be a big day. Thanks Arlene Burns to stay, Matt Watkins to lent a motorcycle, and Douglas Deacon to give shoes.
I am driving a Husqvarna of Matt Watkins along the Colombia River for 160 miles to visit Arlene Burns.
I Joined a festival of motorcycle guys, Iron Butt Association at Gerlach, Nevada. I rode as a guest with Tom And Jan taking part in a rally, and ran in Black Rock Desert. It was a wild wild west.