
Starting to make a plan of kayaking down the Yukon River 2,000 miles

   I have started to make a plan of kayaking down the Yukon River 2,000 miles from head-water-lake in Canada to the mouth of it in U.S.A beside the Bering Sea for about three months between this Jun. and this Sep. It might be possible, although living in Japan makes me having a difficulty to make a careful plan and doing it on hit-or-miss basis.

   If it will be success, then I am going to advance a difficulty level and to try kayaking from the coast of Seattle via inside-passage to the head-water-lake of Yukon River. So, it will make a single line from Kennewick city to the Bering Sea.

   I am thinking to ask someone to be my sponsor, to Monster Energy? or to GoPro?, although I am unfamiliar with those, or to use a crowdfunding?, also although I am unfamiliar with it. Anyway, I will try to be active role.

   So, I will step American soil again.

 カナダとアラスカを流れるユーコン川。氷河のある源流からベーリング海までの3,000 kmを、今年の6月辺りから3ヶ月ほどかけて、一人でカヤックで下ろうと思っているよ。何とかなりそう。






1 件のコメント:

  1. I'm looking forward to following you on
    more of your journeys on this blog.
